Perogies Barbequed
Have you ever tried perogies barbequed? If not give it a try the next time you have the grill fired up. I tried BBQ perogies for the first time, Cheemo in fact, over 20 years ago and they are a go-to fav for our family and at most of the neighbourhood bbqs or get togethers.
BBQ Perogies Recipe in Aluminum Foil
You can check out the barbequed perogy recipe/preparation here, but it doesn’t get much easier than putting them in aluminum foil with some oil or butter, adding some onions or peppers, a tablespoon of water, and then sealing the foil up to put on the grill. I always double wrap them and seal them pretty well so I can flip the foil pack over after about 7 or 8 minutes on a low-medium grill, then give them another 8 or so minutes to crisp em up nice! Everyone has their own preference for how crispy fried they like them so experiment a little.
Don’t be afraid to put precooked bacon bits in there too, or mushrooms, peppers etc. I use the Cheemo perogies which have been steam cooked at the 4-million-perogies-a-day plant, so they don’t require boiling first. If you are going to use home made make sure they have been cooked/boiled first.
Give barbequed perogies a try and let us know what you think!
This blogging has made me hungry! Off to barbeque some Cheemo Bacon & Romano Cheese Perogies….. mmmm.